Δέσμευσή μας να κάνουμε τη διαφορά στην κοινωνία, έχοντας στο επίκεντρο τους 17 Στόχους Αειφόρου Ανάπτυξης (SDGs) του ΟΗΕ, οι οποίοι αποτελούν επείγουσα έκκληση για δράση από όλες τις χώρες - αναπτυγμένες και αναπτυσσόμενες - σε μια παγκόσμια εταιρική σχέση. Είναι ενσωματωμένοι σε ό, τι κάνουμε και το αποδεικνύουμε
We Innovate
Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders.
Our Performance
Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders.
A business plan is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals..
Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders.
Business plans may target changes in perception and branding by the customer, client, taxpayer, or larger community. When the existing business is to assume a major change or when planning a new venture, a 3 to 5 year business plan is required, since investors will look for their investment return in that timeframe.
A business plan is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.
Business plans may be internally or externally focused. Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders.
They typically have detailed information about the organization or team attempting to reach the goals.
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Όραμα είναι ο πιο δυνατός σκοπός που κινητοποιεί τους ανθρώπους προς την επιτυχία.
Άν η μετριότητα δεν είναι για εσένα σπρώξε τον εαυτό σου λίγο περισσότερο από τους άλλους.